Students may not possess, dispense, or distribute medication on their own. Prescription medicine must be accompanied with a physician order and dropped off by the parent or guardian to the school nurse. The medicine should be brought to school in the original container and include the name of the medicine, directions for use, time, strength, dose, name of ordering medical provider, and student’s name and grade. At the end of the school year, all medications must be picked up by the parent/guardian by the last day of school. Medicine not picked up will be disposed of.
All over-the-counter medicine must have a doctors note. This form must be signed by both the parent and health care provider to be valid. The form needs to be renewed every school year.
Procedure for students who become ill during the school day:
Students who become ill during the school day should report to their teacher prior to reporting to the health room. Students whose illness cannot be treated expeditiously by the office staff will have their parents notified so that they may be picked up and taken home or to their healthcare provider.